Our Development Strategy

Building more genuinely affordable, high quality new homes is a key ambition and we aspire for our homes to have great design, accessibility, environmental sustainability, flexibility and comfort.

Our development strategy is a strategic framework which outlines how we will develop new homes to meet the needs of those in housing need.  Our objective is to increase the number of homes we own by 10% to March 2027. 

Innisfree has been a stable and well managed organisation for many years and has resources available to:

  • Develop or acquire new housing
  • Review continued retention of some stock and options for securing best value from internal resources
  • Secure investment to upgrade existing properties that are now unsuited to the needs of key client groups.

We recognise that the highly competitive market for new developments means we need to sufficiently skilled and determined to realise our objectives and we cannot deliver our strategy on our own.  Our strategic delivery partners will be the GLA, our key Boroughs, other housing associations and local developers and their agents.


We can be most effective in communities where we have existing relationships so our initial focus will be on the London Boroughs of Brent, Camden, Islington, Haringey, Enfield, Barnet, Harrow, Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham. 


We are acutely conscious of the issue of true affordability of housing – in terms of rent levels and the cost of energy and other utilities – for residents.  Our Tenure Statement sets out that our preferred options are for Social and London Affordable Rent, but we are flexible so as not to preclude other opportunities.


The London Housing Design Guide standards would be the minimum we would expect.  We will pay particular attention to fire safety while also aspiring to have excellent sustainability standards – in order to have high comfort and low energy/utilities costs for our tenants, as well as being conscious of our environmental impact..  It is also important to us that our new homes support our objective of creating thriving communities.

Here we describe what “good” development opportunities mean to Innisfree: 

Larger Scheme      

A scheme of 15-25 homes, with the entire development able to be influenced by Innisfree’s requirements and standards. The majority of homes will be at genuinely affordable rents, with attractive internal and external design, and space and quality standards that meet the needs of residents in the long term.

Responding to the housing needs identified by the local authority, the homes are in high demand and have attracted high levels of GLA/ Local Authority subsidy. The scheme fits well in the local area, well served by all amenities.  It complies with the London Housing Design Guide and its supplementary notes and updates, as well as with local planning policies.

Smaller scheme     

Opportunities to take small numbers of homes (even one home) in developer led schemes, given our experience of managing homes pepper-potted in neighbourhoods, would also be of interest.

One or more genuinely affordable rented homes in a small to medium sized development, often in high-value areas.  The design and layout of the homes in the overall development give parity to the affordable rented tenure and service charges are genuinely affordable.

For more information or to explore options, please contact us.