Moving in

Becoming an Innisfree tenant

General Needs

You will need to contact your local council and asked to be placed on their housing list. Most applications need to be completed on line. If you need support with completing an application on line you will need to contact the local authority directly to request an appointment.

Sheltered Housing

Innisfree holds an internal waiting list for people over 60 who are interested in Sheltered Housing.  To be considered you will need to either get one of Innisfree’s approved referral agencies to complete an application form, or register for sheltered housing with Brent council.

House Share

If you are interested in a room in one of our house shares you will need to get one of Innisfree’s referral agencies to fill in the referral application.

Please note a room in a shared house is offered on a short term basis and you will need to meet the criteria in order to qualify for this type of housing. If you qualify for a room in a shared house this does not give you any entitlement to be housed in any of Innisfree general needs homes.

Alternatively, you can contact one of the Irish advice agencies or your local council’s housing advice service.

Brent Irish Advisory Service  Telephone: 0208 459 6655

London Irish Centre   Telephone: 0207 916 2222

London Irish Care (Formerly Hammersmith Irish Centre)