Complaints and compliments

We welcome all feedback from our customers and value any suggestions you may have about our services


If you have a comment or suggestion to make about the services we provide or if you have an idea on how we can improve our services, please tell us. We will look at your suggestion and see if we can use it. We will let you know what we have done with it once we have considered it.


We welcome compliments about the services we provide and our staff. If you would like to make a compliment, please tell us by emailing We will acknowledge your compliment and ensure it reaches the staff involved.


We aim to give an excellent service to our customers at all times. However, we know that on occasions mistakes can happen or our services will not be of an acceptable standard. As a result you may wish to complain.

We embed the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code into the way that we work; you can find more about the Code, here:

We assess how we handle complaints using the Housing Ombudsman’s annual self-assessment. You can read our assessment for 2023/2024 here:

You can see our review of the complaints for 2024 and our plans for improving our performance here:

You can read our complaints policy here:

What is a complaint and who can complain to us?

A complaint could be made when a customer feels;

  • Dissatisfied with the standard of service provided by us or our contractors, even if the handling of the service request remains ongoing.
  • Unhappy with our actions or decisions.
  • Unhappy with a situation that they wish to have rectified
  • We have failed to do something we should have done or have acted inappropriately.
  • We have treated them unfairly or disrespectfully.
  • We have failed to respond to their initial enquiries.
  • We have failed to meet one of our resident service promises.
  • We have failed to follow our policies or procedures.

Anyone who uses our services can complain, including the agreed representative of someone who is dissatisfied with the service.

It’s good to talk

If you have a problem or are unhappy you can start by talking to a member of staff. We may be able to resolve the issue for you quickly if you tell us why you are unhappy and what you want us to do to put things right. It is much easier to resolve a complaint if you let us know about it as soon as possible. You can help by:

  • being clear and specific about your complaint
  • telling us exactly what the key issue is and what went wrong
  • telling us what it is you require to put things right.

Housing Ombudsman Service

See our short video about the Housing Ombudsman service here:

We are committed to embedding the Housing Ombudsman’s Guidelines for best practice into our policies and procedures. If you are not satisfied with how your complaint is being handled, or are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can refer your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman Service at any time.

The Ombudsman can independently and impartially review a complaint and provide a decision that it considers fair in all the circumstances.

We will comply with any orders and recommendations the Ombudsman makes to resolve a complaint.

Their contact details are as follows:

Housing Ombudsman Service, PO Box 152, Liverpool L33 7WQ

Tel: 0300 111 3000
