When you report a repair to us, we will tell you what category we consider the repair falls into and the estimated time we will take to deal with it as set out below.
These are repairs which affect the health and safety of the householder or basic security of the property.
We aim to attend to emergency repairs within 24 hours to make sure your health and safety is not at risk or to avoid damage to the building structure, any follow on works will be attended to within our repair timescales.
Examples of emergency repairs include the following:
If you experience problems out of hours with the services highlighted with an asterisk* in the Emergency Repairs section above, you should contact the appropriate utility service serving your area (electricity, gas or water board) to establish if the problem is related to a major service failure, before calling our emergency numbers.
Thames Water 0800 316 9800 or report a leak here
UK Power Networks 0800 316 3105
If you have a suspected gas leak or your carbon monoxide detector is activated you should contact Cadent on 0800 111 999 immediately.
In the event of a fire you should dial 999 to call the Fire Service and follow the fire safety procedure for your building or the instructions given by the Fire Service.
These are repairs which are not classified as an emergency but which result in the loss of a basic facility or where further damage will occur if the problem is not dealt with.
We aim to attend and complete urgent repairs within seven calendar days of the repair being reported.
Examples of urgent repairs include the following
If your repair is non-urgent, you can email details 24 hours a day 7 days a week to maintenance@innisfree.org.uk
Please make sure you include the following:
These are repairs that can wait without causing major inconvenience to you.
We aim to attend and complete non-urgent repairs within 28 calendar days of the repair being reported.
Examples of non-urgent repairs include the following
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